What Feeds Your Spirit: Our Annual Juried Exhibit

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Buhdda Pine by Peggy Kirk

January 25 – April 9, 2017

When creating art, what feeds your spirit? Is it
working with your favorite colors? Or a particular
subject matter? Maybe it is exploring a different
culture, or traveling deep within nature where
you find joy, and a sense of peace and calm.
Please share with us your spirit art!

Ann Hazels, Director of Radius Gallery


Best of Show:
Pat & Larry Worley, Shell on Driftwood
Second Place:
Paula Perkowitz, Large Vase
Honorable Mention:
Julie Erreca, Solstice! State I
Honorable Mention:
Lisa Undercoffler, Bodie I

Participating Artists:

[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ last=”no” class=”” id=””]Christine Beck
Carla Brennan
Cheryl Costella
Linda Curtis
Lee Dean
Fillmore Denton
Julie Erreca
Aliza Heckert
Jennifer Hennig
Sunny Johansson
Peggy Kirk
Linda Levy
Noelle Lightbourne
Robin Lysne
Debbie Manning

[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ last=”no” class=”” id=””]Tina Masciocchi
Christine Moran
Dyann Paynovich
Crystal Pearl Piper
Lina Pukstaite
Bela Ravikumar
Yvonne Rowe
Sanda Spiegel
Jeff Stobbe
Barbara Thomas
Stephanie Triolo
Lisa Undercoffler
Larry Worley
Pat Worley

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