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Johanna McCormick, What Is Under

Prime Time: Annual juried show

January 22 – April 5, 2014

Juror: George Rivera, former Executive Director and Senior Curator, Triton Museum of Art


Best of Show
Johanna McCormick, “What Is Under”,  Acrylic on Canvas

First Place

Juror’s Choice Award

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention

Participating Artists

Karen Asherah
Dale Bates
Susanka Biernat
Mary Comfort
Linda Curtis
Fillmore Denton
G. Michael Englis
Jennifer Hennig
Sunny Johansson
Dana Lee Weigand
Linda A. Levy
Debbie Manning
Tina Masciocchi
Johanna McCormick
Jill McCrystal
Juliette Morris Williams
Eileen Murray
Laurus Myth
Geoffrey Nicastro
Heather Richman
Carol Riddle
Svargo Schuller
Sanda Spiegel
Stephanie Triolo
Larry Forest Worley
Pat Worley[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]