Exhibit Dates: February 6 – March 22, 2025

Online Entry Deadline: Thursday, January 30 | noon
Deliver Artwork: Sunday, February 2  I  12 – 2 pm
Opening Reception: First Friday, February 7  I  5 – 7 pm
Pick Up Artwork: Sunday, March 23  I  12 – 2 pm
Regular Gallery Hours: Thursday – Sunday  I  12 – 5 pm

WATER: Ebb & Flow
Plentiful and taken for granted in some parts of the world and a scarce treasure in others, water is the lifeblood of our earth. It can be as violent as the crashing waves in an ocean storm or as calm and peaceful as an alpine lake. It can harm as well as cure. It can be solid as the ancient ice in a glacier or ethereal as the morning fog in the redwoods. Water takes on many forms and we cannot live without it. Show us how water is represented in your artwork.

PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS: This is our annual judged exhibit. We will be giving awards to the entries that best depict the theme:
$200 for Best of Show, $100 for 2nd place, and two $50 Honorable Mentions.
You Be the Judge! This year we will again ask visitors to the Thomas gallery to judge this exhibit. They will be asked to vote for their top 3 favs. There will be a two week window in which to do this, starting with the Opening Reception on February 7. The winners will be announced on February 18.

ENTRY FEE: $45 members | $60 non-members
Entry fee covers both IN-GALLERY and ONLINE participation.

Related Events for this exhibit:

People’s Choice Awards announcement, February 18.
First Friday Open House, March 7  I  5 – 7 pm

Entry to the exhibit requires a 3-step process: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!

1. Pay Entry Fee

All entrants, both those entering the ONLINE exhibit and the IN-GALLERY exhibit, and those only entering work in the IN-GALLERY exhibit, must pay the entry fee. If you are already a member, sign in first to activate your member price. We ask that participants register and pay the entry fee online in advance, which helps to streamline the take-in process. However, if you prefer to pay in cash, or are unable to pay online, you may pay and register in person on the take-in day.

2. Complete ONLINE Exhibit Entry Form
This entry form is intended for those entering digital images of their work for the ONLINE exhibit. You may submit up to 3 images for the ONLINE exhibit. You may bring in more work than that for the IN-GALLERY exhibit on the take-in day.

If you plan to only enter work in the IN-GALLERY exhibit, you may choose to skip the ONLINE entry form. However, if you would like your website linked to your name on the participants list on the exhibit page, then please use this form to enter that data.

We HIGHLY recommend that you submit your entry form before the day of the deadline so that if you encounter any problems with the entry process there is time for us to help you troubleshoot before the deadline passes. There will be no late entries accepted for the ONLINE exhibit.

3. Bring work to the gallery
On Sunday, February 2, you will bring in your work between 12 – 2 pm.
You will need to inventory all the work you bring in. Please download and fill out the inventory sheet in advance (see below) and bring this with you on the take-in day. We will also have paper copies on hand for you to fill out during take-in.

Rules of Entry

• Open to all artists 18 years and older.
• All art submitted must be your original work or a reproduction of it.
• Submitted art must adhere to the theme.
• Acceptance of work is at the curators’ discretion, and subject to space available.
• We will continue to present our exhibits online, and strongly encourage participants to submit work to the ONLINE exhibit in addition to the IN-GALLEY exhibit. We hope that artists will see this as a way to increase their visibility and reach more viewers.
• Please register via our website. Those who lack access or ability to register online may fill out paperwork by hand in person on the take-in day. Printed Prospectus and Inventory sheets will be available to pick up in the gallery during regular gallery hours.

Entry fee for 2-D and 3-D work includes up to 3 large pieces (over 12” x 12”), OR 5 small pieces (12” x 12” on under). Does not apply to functional ceramics, jewelry or small crafts.
• All 2-D work must be framed and ready to hang with secure wire on back.
• Unframed 3-D work to be hung on wall must include secure means of hanging and any special materials required.
• Functional pottery: please include tag to explain if food, microwave, and dishwasher safe.
• As your work sells, you may replenish your stock at no cost on Tuesdays from 3 – 5 pm, or by arrangement.
• During the exhibit, each participating artist is required to volunteer for up to three 2.5 hr. shifts of docent time during our regular gallery hours. Gallery hours are Thursday – Sundays, 12 – 5 pm. Please sign up when you deliver your artwork!
• Please bring an 8.5″ x 11″ sheet with your artist’s statement and/or bio to be included in the Participating Artists binder. You may also bring up to 10 business cards or postcards to leave in the gallery office.

• Up to 3 images may be submitted per entry.
• For jewelry, cards and other small artwork, you may submit one image with multiple pieces represented.
• Acceptable upload-ready file formats:
File Type: JPG only.
File Dimensions: 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side.
File Size: No larger than 5 MB. We suggest that you limit your file size to 2 MB, as that is the max allowed to share images on First Friday’s website. We choose a few images from the online exhibit each month to promote our First Friday listing – it could be yours if the size is right!
Color Profile: RGB
Image files must be of high quality, in sharp focus and a true representation of the original art. Image of 2D art should include only the artwork, no frame. If your image file does not meet this criteria, you may be asked to remake the file. There are many online resources to help you take a high quality photograph of your artwork. HINT: Remove artwork from under any reflective surface (like glass) before photographing it.

• Commission retention is 25% for members, 40% for non-members.
• Artwork purchased in gallery will be taken by purchaser at time of sale.
• Submission of your entry grants Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center permission to use your artwork or a reproduction of its likeness in promotional materials for this exhibition and future SCMAC promotions.
• The artist shall retain all copyrights of any image submitted to the Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center. All images on the site may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the permission of the Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center and the relevant artist.

Direct questions to Johanna McCormick, mccdesign@gmail.com

To Pay Entry Fee, Click BOOK Below